Sunday, August 25, 2024

First day at flight school

 Tanush, your dream has always been to be a pilot and today, you took your first flying lessons at Tampa Bay. We are beyond proud and incredibly happy to having been part of your life, this first step. 

Daddy cannot stop smiling. Tears of joy rolled from my eyes. Way to go sweetheart. First of many. 

Tatha (my dad) accompanied you in the back. Mommoma, Dimpu mama, Lohit mama, dad and I took lots of pictures.

So so proud of you.

Saturday, February 3, 2024

Cast Away

 Megha, Tanush and I watched Cast Away this evening (Dad at work). The first time I’ve seen this was almost 25 years ago in Hyderabad with Vineela! 

I’ve never seen this since and while I’m remembered the premise, I had forgotten how well the story is made and how great an actor Tom Hanks is. Kids absolutely loved it. Tanush cried for Wilson, like I did. Megha I think wanted to cry but put on a brace face :)

Poor Tanush! Now he wants to make a Wilson.

Saturday, January 27, 2024

What rough days look like…

 There are so many of them lately. Perhaps the age? The phase perhaps? I do not know. You both are constantly at each other’s throats. I feel so tired, exhausted. 

Megha told Tanush she times him if he wants to talk to her. 

Tanush wouldn’t take No for an answer when she says no for playing. 

I tried my best to explain that timing someone when they try to talk is so very demeaning and should never be done to an animal, let alone to a human being, especially family. 

Then I explain Tanush that when she says no to playing it’s a No. I am so tired. 

Saturday, November 18, 2023

Navratri and Diwal 2023

 I don’t think I added this post before. We have been doing Golu for Navratri for a few years now. A new addition to the collection is Sai uncles Dasavataram set, bought in Pune 1995.

Also had a wonderful Diwali party at home. My favorite way to decorate the stairs :)

Halloween 2023

 Megha and Tanush did a good job on their pumpkins this year. The one with narrow eye is Megha’s. Triangle nose is Tanush.

Wednesday, September 13, 2023

School Counsel

 Megha applied to be a School Counselor today! How did she grow up this fast? I cannot be more proud of you Megha!

Thursday, August 3, 2023

And so it begins?

 Megha, you are growing up so fast. You are a pre-teen now. You have no idea how many buttons you push! We are arguing quite a lot lately. Everything is your way or we argue. I try to pick my battles but you are not making it easy. 

Hopefully this too shall pass.