Wednesday, November 18, 2015


Tanush is now 3 months (4 days less). I see a routine slowly falling into place. Here is what my day usually looks like:

6:30 Am: hand Tanush to my mom so I can rest for 30 mins
7:30 Am: wake Megha up (or she gets up and comes for me anytime between 7 and 7:30). If I am super lucky (it terms of getting extra bit of sleep) she comes at 7:45
7:45 till 8:30: get her to eat breakfast, pack her snacks and lunch (which more often than not come home untouched), grab a bite myself and get some coffee.
8:30: feed  Tanush (he then naps for an hour)
9:00 drop Megha at school
9:15 to 10:15 grocery shopping or errands etc
10:15 till 11:00 play with Tanush/ bathe him
11:00 feed and get him down for a quick 20 mins power nap.
11:30 take bath, eat lunch (thanks to my mom who makes sure that food is ready by 11).
1:15: until 1:15 play with him/ engage him
1:15: feed him and get him down for afternoon nap
1:45 try to rest until 2:45
2:45 or 3: feed Tanush
3/30 pick Megha up
4:00 her snack time, play a bit
4:30-6:30 on Monday, Wednesday and Friday we have Gymnastics, ballet and swimming respectively. The other days, we just hang out around the home, read a book, draw, make crafts and goof around
Somewhere here feed Tanush and he goes for a nap
6:30: Megha's and my dinner time
7:00 start tidying the toys
7:30: head upstairs, brush the teeth, change and read a few books.
8:00 Megha is asleep
8:10: feed Tanush and get him to bed
8:40 I get to sit down and take a breath.
Until 10 PM Tanush fusses and finally settles down around 10:15.
If Anand is not home, Megha wakes up about 10:30 and starts to fuss. By the time both kids settle down its usually about 11:30 or 12 and that's when I go to sleep.

Some days it's not too bad and some days it makes me want to pull my hair out. Most days wouldn't trade this for anything. One odd day, I would give anything to get a 8 hour sleep.

Anand, my mom and dad help a lot. It would be 10'times harder had they not been helping

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