Saturday, January 23, 2016

When Megha wanted a pet

After watching one of Baby Einstein episodes, Megha wanted us to buy a puppy for her. Here was the conversation from this morning:

Megha: Mom, shall we buy a puppy?
Me: Maybe when you and Tanish grow up a bit more Megha
Meg: Why not now? I am big, I am 4.
Me: Well, pets are a lot of work and we already have one baby to take care of. Maybe when Tanush also grows up, we will think.
Meg: I will take care of the puppy.
Me: I am sure you will. On the first day of its life. But after that it mostly will be my duty or dads. Dont worry though, for sure we will talk about it when you and Tanush grow up
Meg: Can we at least have a cat
Me: Daddy is allergic to cats
Meg: Mouse?
Me: No
Meg: Fish
Me: Megha how about we bake cupcakes?
Meg: Yay! Cupcakes!

To be fair, she may have taken care of the puppy. 

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