Friday, July 19, 2019

A Day out with Thomas the Tank Engine

July 2nd weekend. 
For the past few years, we’ve been visiting St. Thomas (small town) every summer. I remember the first time, when Tanush was still inutero J
You never get too old for the famous British train Thomas the Tank Engine J

They have beautiful indoor stadium where they had all sorts of fun things to do. While Megha couldn’t get enough of the bouncy castle, Tanush was happy playing with the trains. The boy loves his trains!

We have to persuade both the kids away as neither wanted to drop what they are doing. Kids had fun at the puppet show and Bob the Builder show (I was tired and yawning and hoping no one is noticing how much I yarn). They tried to keep it as lively as possible, though, if you are not under 10, you probably wont really enjoy puppet shows.
Kids had fun, that’s all matters.

We then proceeded for lunch (the usual Poutine and hotdogs) and headed out to board the train. Tanush immensely enjoyed the ride, waving at the traffic, at the toot-tooing Thomas. Megha, well, Megha I think is getting a bit old for Thomas J (though, I love Thomas anyday).

Tanush here cannot take his eyes off Thomas. Things like the twinkle in his eyes makes it all worth it (the long ride, the hot sun and the whole nine yards). 

Selfie time..

Bubbles have always been a favourite part of the trip for me. Here is Megha with her jumbo bubbles.

Here is Anand being a kid, as I said, you are never too old for this stuff J

Tanush enjoying his favourite strawberry ice cream; he only loves that. This was actually cherry ice cream but its pink and can easily pass as strawberry.

Megha enjoying her own favorite chocolate icecream. I remember last year we made a mental note not to buy more than 2 sccops as kids don’t finish at least half of theirs.
But then, mental notes are only helpful if you remember them; we forgot. Again. We bought 4 sccops and half of it melted as kids didn’t eat beyond their half (it’s a pretty big scoop).

We returned home and I made fish and chips...the real deep fried one's :)

Ice creams, lemonades, hot sun, Poutine, hotdogs, beer, splash-pads, family....what more can one ask for? A million dollar lottery right here. 

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