Monday, March 3, 2014

Comforting words...

This morning, Megha and I headed out to go to the daycare. We had some trouble at the daycare as the daycare provider had accidentally slept through alarm (alarm didn't go off) and didn't open the door for us. I waited outside for a bit along with Megha and came back to the car. Here is the below conversation:

Me: I am sorry magpie, we had to wait in the cold.
Megha: don't worry momma.
Me: thanks darling. (Made me soooo very proud!)

Later Anand had come to pick her up so I can get to work on time.

I am so happy and so proud that she started using sentences in the right context these past few days!
This evening she wanted to play ball. She asked her dad specifically, "sit daddy"... So that she can pass the ball to him :)

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